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Monday 19 March 2012

Blue Wave - Pannacotta layered with Blue Jelly

For the Pannacotta -

Water - 1/4 cup
Gelatine - 1/2 tbs
Cream - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Curds - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Orange essence - 1 tsp

Sprinkle the gelatine over the water. Let it soften for 5 mins. Heat the cream & milk in a pan till it just bubbles. Add the sugar & switch off. When it comes to room temp, blend in the curd & essence .

For the Blue -

Blue Curacao syrup ( or crush ) - 3 tbs
Water - added to the curacao to make up 1 cup
( taste the resulting syrup for sweetness...you have to adjust the syrup & water to get 1 cup, depending on how strong your syrup is )
Gelatine - 1 tsp
Water for gelatine - 3 tbs

Sprinkle the gel over 3 tbs water. Let sit for 5 min. Dissolve as before. Add to the water + syrup mixture.

The above 2 blends can now be set in the refrigerator in any desired pattern.
I poured half the pannacotta in to 3 glasses & set them at an angle in the freezer , using the help of my Silicon mini mould to hold the glasses in place. When set, I poured half the blue mix over the set pannacotta & set it similarly. Continue with the remaining likewise. Keep the 'waiting' mixes in a relatively warm place so they will not set until their turn comes :-) If they do set, then I suppose one must warm them a bit in the M/w. Mine did not set , so I did not have that problem.
Be careful to pour subsequent layers only after the previous layers are well set... or you will have a pattern you did not bargain for :-)

If you do not have the blue syrup, any other syrup/crush/jelly/fruit juice will do. Just make it look pretty :-)

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