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Sunday 18 March 2012

Velvety tomato soup..


Chicken stock 1 Lit
tomatoes 6 Medium sized (peeled) mashed/pureed
butter half cup (4 Tbs)
onion 1 medium (mashed / finally chopped)
carrots 2medium (mashed/ finally chopped)
flour 2 tbs
heavy cream 1 cup
sour cream 2 garnish
salt 2 taste
Black pepper 1tsp


in a sauce pan add tomatoes puree to chicken stock..
let it cook for 10 to 15 mins
now add salt and black pepper.. let it simmer on low heat

in a separate sauce pan melt the butter add mashed carrots and onions .. cook for 5 min or until done.. now add 2 tbs of flour .. let it cook for few more mins.. now once flour changes color.. turn off heat..
add this to the stock,tomatoes mixture..
turn of the heat.. let it cool down a bit..
now with the help of a hand blander.. mash the soup..(this will mash everything including any left over tomato seeds, carrots, onions)
  don't worry if u don't have the hand blender.. use food processor to mash the soup
now after your done mashing put the soup back in the saucepan..
turn on the heat.. let it warm up ..add cream in it..
( i use Half an half diet point of view.. u can use heavy cream, light cream,)
now the soup is ready..
put it in a serving bowl.. make a sour cream whirl on top.. add croutons on top..

 How to prepare croutons:

4 croutons I used 2 slices of white bread chopped their sides off.. put on butter on both sides.. cut them in an inch cube sizes.. toasted them from 1 side, flipped toasted the other side until brown..


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