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Wednesday 9 May 2012



1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 onion,chopped
3 garlic cloves,chopped
1/2 kg fresh mince meat
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp cumin powder
1/8 tsp coriander powder
1/4 tsp red chili powder


1/4 cup rose water
1/4 tsp saffron powder
1 tbsp butter
2 1/2 cup water
1/2 chicken stock
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup rice
1/8 cup raisins


1.Sauté onion, garlic, mince meat in oil then add the remaining ingredients and leave on medium heat for (20 min)
2.For Rice: (a) Soak saffron in rose water and let aside.
(b) Boil water with butter,chicken cube and salt in a saucepan.
(c) Add rice, raisins and leave on gentle heat for (30 min) until 90% done
3. Place in layers of meat mixture and rice and repeat process. Pour soaked saffron with water on the top of the rice and leave on low heat for (20 min).
4.You can serve with white onion n yogurt or anything you prefer.
Hope Inshallah you like it.

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